Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy

The Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Assn Child Protection Policy requires that you maintain an attendance register of when players turn up to training and leave. The information below is very important and your attention to items required. More information can be found at
1. SCCSA requires that anyone who reasonably suspects that a child has been or is being abused by someone, to report it immediately to the police or relevant government agency. Incidents should also be reported to the Club President/Chairman and Chairman of SCCSA if the allegations are made against a member of a club or the SCCSA or those associated with these organisations, for example contractors.
2. Management, Coaches or Managers have a right to ask for proof of ID when a visitor or parent is unknown to them. Visitors and parents are never to be left alone with children out of sight.
3. Attendance sheets should be kept for all practices, games and other activities etc.
4. Coach and/or manager should arrive well before an activity (practice and/or games) and ensure all children are picked up by parent or pre-arranged care giver before leaving.
5. Each person with a position of responsibility to be aware of their Duty of Care, and responsibility to provide a safe, caring environment for the children, they must be alert and watchful at all times, putting the needs of the children before their own.
6. All aspects are open to the observation by parents and other related adults.
7. The age of individuals be recognised as one of the determinants in deciding what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour.
8. A child should never be left alone or a leader should always avoid one on one situations with a child in a closed environment or be left with a lone child at the end of an activity. Always stay in an open environment where you can be seen and the children can be seen.
9. Younger children must be accompanied by an adult when visiting the toilet. The adult is to check the toilets and leave the child in the toilet with door closed and then stand near the toilet entrance. If a child needs assistance it again should require two people to be present. Special attention is required at toilet blocks in parks where toilets should be checked and children closely supervised but still observing their privacy.
10. When coaches etc are in physical contact with children, care should be taken to respect the child’s feelings and privacy. Ensure that any physical contact cannot be misinterpreted.
11. Adults and children are expected to respect the privacy of others during activities that require undressing, dressing or changing clothes.
12. A Risk Management Assessment is to be undertaken before training, games or other activities. (eg. Check for glass, needles or other potential dangers)
13. Members should not visit children in their own homes unless a parent/carer is present and/or the member visits with another adult.
14. Coaches, Managers or other members should not drive a child unaccompanied.
15. When counselling or consoling a child it should be done in view of others yet out of hearing range.
16. When a child confides in a member that they are a victim of abuse, that member will refer the matter to the Club President/Chairman who will follow the procedures of Disclosure outlined in Part C.
17. Any person in breach of policy may be suspended immediately from any positions of responsibility until such time as the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the Club and SCCSA.
18. Any member charged with abuse shall be suspended immediately until proven innocent.