
Volunteering at Buddina United Soccer Club

There are many ways in which you can volunteer you time at Buddina United Soccer Club.. Volunteers help us do everything from coaching and managing teams, to assisting in the canteeen and helping to set up the fields before home games as well as helping out on the committee With out the help of volunteers our club can not function. In addition to the great feeling knowing that you’ve helped your childs team, there is the oportunity to earn back your family levy when helping out around the club! Two or more volunteer sessions of 1 hour each throughout the season will have your levy refunded! More information on these roles can be found below.

The Coach

The coach is usually a parent who is committed to attending the training sessions and games. Duties Include:

  • 1-2 hours per week (depending on age group) for after school training
  • Attending Saturday games as the coach
  • Working along side the team manager to aid in fair game play and equal playing times for players
  • Assisting in the developement of the children and their skills through training sessions

The Manager

Taking on the position of team manager is a fantastic way to help your child’s team. The manager is usually a parent who is committed to attending most of the games while helping out the coach where needed along with the general running of the team. Duties Include:

  • Sending out details of the weekly draws to the entire team
  • Organising a fruit slice roster
  • Looking after and completing the team book and making sure team sheets are handed in after each game
  • Assisting the club to get volunteers when needed
  • Working along side the coach to keep game time and assist with subbing players on and off the field

Canteen Volunteers

Each parent or guardian will be asked to volunteer their time to the canteen at least once during the season. Volunteers will be asked to service customers, cook the bbq and make sausage sandwiches and burgers. Its a great way to give back to the club and get to know the other people in your childs team along with the club.

Ground Set Up

Each parent or guardian will also be asked to volunteer their time to assist in setting up the grounds at home games. this involves arriving early ready to help set up flags, erect gazebos and set up seating for the team reserves and coaches.


The club is run entirely by a committee that includes the president, vice president, secretary, registrar, treasurer, canteen convenor, fundraising co-ordinator, volunteer co-ordinator, uniform co-ordinator as well as general committee members that provide assistance where needed. The club would be forever grateful if you feel you have the time and skills to help our club in any capacity.

For any further information, please get in touch with any of the committee members by clicking here.